Global agenda setters, global growth companies, global leadership fellows and global shapers. Yes, the committee to change the world recently gathered conspicuously in Davos, Switzerland, to champion the World Economic Forum spirit: To redesign the world from the top down. No sooner does one global summit end than another begins.
Global agenda setters, global growth companies, global leadership fellows and global shapers. Yes, the committee to change the world recently gathered conspicuously in Davos, Switzerland, to champion the World Economic Forum spirit: To redesign the world from the top down. No sooner does one global summit end than another begins.
The Seventh Annual Institute of International Finance G20 conference is now wrapping up and will be followed in quick succession by the Buttonwood Gathering tomorrow, the 2015 Global Parliamentary Conference (on April 12-13) and the 2015 Spring Meeting of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (on April 17-19). The list is without end, as is the redundancy of what attendees will discuss. While the venue changes, participants, speakers and topics are mostly the same.