Female Entrepreneurship, Cities and Refugees, and Changing Global Conditions

Weekend Reads: February 8, 2019

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Why More Women Are Turning to Entrepreneurship

Caroline Castrillon | Forbes | Retweeted by Jennifer Huddleston Skees

Women now comprise 40 percent of new entrepreneurs entering the business field, and the number of women-owned businesses has increased by nearly 3,000 percent since 1972. Why are so many women taking up the mantle as entrepreneurs?

The Cities Refugees Saved

Tanvi Misra | CityLab | Retweeted by Emily Hamilton

Migrants and refugees have mutually-beneficial relationships with the locations to which they move, argues Tanvi Misra in CityLab.

Hyperinflations Can End Quickly, Given the Right Sort of Regime Change

Ryan Avent | The Economist | Retweeted by David Beckworth

Imagine using banknotes and printed money as toilet paper. This is a reality for many Venezuelans. How did this “catastrophic breakdown” in the state’s printing presses break down in the first place?

The Malaise in Global Trade Is Only Getting Worse

Mike Bird | The Wall Street Journal | Tweeted by Veronique de Rugy

What are the most important factors impacting global growth today, according to economic experts?

World Economic Update

Susan Lund, Isabelle Mateos y Lago, Adam Posen, and Sebastian Mallaby | Council on Foreign Relations | Tweeted by Christine McDaniel

Listen to the CFR’s quarterly “World Economic Update,” which highlights US, Chinese, and European markets and the state of globalization in the world today.

Venezuela’s Collapse Exposes the Fake Socialism Debated in US

Greg Ip | The Wall Street Journal | Tweeted by Christine McDaniel

How do new proposals in the US compare conceptually to Venezuela’s socialist governing history?

Transparency, Economic Development Regulations are Dying in Texas

Nathan M. Jensen and Calvin Thrall | The Texas Statesman | Retweeted by Matthew Mitchell

In Texas, economic developers are protected by the state’s public records laws that allow state and local governments to conceal information on their projects. Despite a focus on various Amazon HQ2 bids, the problem extends to hundreds of contracts in the state.

The End of Agriculture as We Know It

Stephen Davies | American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) | Shared by Donald Boudreaux

While many activities significantly influence environmental conditions, agricultural practices have some of the oldest, most established, and increasingly harmful effects on environmental health. That’s changing at a rapid rate.