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John Deere's AI, Google's Failed Experiment, and the Flintstone House
Weekend Reads: March 22, 2019
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The Amazing Ways John Deere Uses AI and Machine Vision to Help Feed 10 Billion People
Bernard Marr | Forbes | Retweeted by Jennifer Huddleston
In 30 years, the human population of our planet will be close to 10 billion. John Deere is testing artificial intelligence to help farmers efficiently sustain this growing population.
The Troubling Limits of the ‘Great Crime Decline’
Mark Obbie | CityLab | Retweeted by Alex Tabarrok
While the fall of urban violence since the early 1990s was a public health breakthrough, more research is needed to fully measure this breakthrough’s impact and fragility.
When Google Fiber Abandons Your City as a Failed Experiment
Adam K. Raymond | Gizmodo | Tweeted by Brent Skorup
Google’s ambitious plan to roll out gigabit internet lines just two inches underground failed, leaving Louisville, Kentucky feeling abandoned by the technology giant after years of negotiations and legal battles.
Capitalism Saved Sweden
Michael Munger | American Institute for Economic Research | Shared by Donald Boudreaux
People often refer to Sweden as a socialist safe haven, but data shows the country has been purposefully embracing capitalism.
Measure of US Innovation Jumped in 2018
Josh Mitchell | The Wall Street Journal | Tweeted by Veronique de Rugy
While multifactor productivity (a rough measure of innovation) grew one percent last year, this pales in comparison to previous periods of growth. While new technology has increasingly improved the lives of consumers, companies are still learning how to take full advantage of it.
Hillsborough Suing over ‘Flintstone House,’ Calling Additions an Eyesore
Evan Sernoffsky | San Francisco Chronicle | Shared by Tyler Cowen
The town of Hillsborough, just outside San Francisco, is suing the owner of a cartoon-inspired house over gaudy decorations and unpermitted work. The property features a herd of large dinosaur sculptures and a sign reading, “Yabba Dabba Doo.”
Trapped in Tariffs, Firms Tied to Lobster Industry Look for Way out
Laurent Belsie and Clarence Leong | The Christian Science Monitor | Tweeted by Christine McDaniel
Tariffs have been touted as short-term negotiating tools, but they have made Canadian lobsters cheaper and steel imports more expensive, devastating the US lobster industry.
Why Is Japanese Zoning More Liberal than US Zoning?
Nolan Gray | Market Urbanism | Tweeted by Emily Hamilton
While both Japanese and American zoning laws started out relatively liberal, the US has since seen more restrictive regulations. Japan’s model of “as-of-right” permitting could help ease high living expenses, urban sprawl, and inequality in America.
Seattle Upzones 27 Neighborhood Hubs, Passes Affordable-Housing Requirements
Daniel Beekman | The Seattle Times | Retweeted by Salim Furth
In an effort to curb inequality and rising home prices, Seattle’s City Council approved some of the most sweeping zoning changes in the city’s recent history.