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New Research on Occupational Licensing, Data Privacy, and the Wealth Tax Proposal
New Mercatus research from the week of Feb 3-7
Ohio Occupational Licensure and Universal Recognition
Matthew D. Mitchell | State Testimony
In his recent testimony before the Ohio Senate, senior research fellow Matthew D. Mitchell discusses the substantial barriers to employment posed by occupational licensing. Occupational licensing is a substantial barrier to employment, imposing a cost to the economy and a disparate burden on certain vulnerable populations. Licensing does little to enhance either consumer safety or the quality of services while increasing prices for consumers. Mitchell asserts that policymakers must be able to cast conspicuous votes in the general interest while special interest power must be limited.
Pennsylvania and the Future of Data Privacy
Jennifer Huddleston | State Testimony
In her recent testimony to the Pennsylvania State Senate, Jennifer Huddleston discusses potential considerations for policymakers regarding data privacy and protection at the state level. They expand on the current landscape of data protection policy, the potential problems arising from state-level actions regarding the regulation of data privacy, and the ways in which states can be a leader in data privacy while avoiding these potential pitfalls.
Occupational Licensing on Childcare
Veronique de Rugy | Federal Testimony
In senior research fellow Veronique de Rugy’s recent testimony on occupational licensing on childcare, she discusses the pitfalls of licensing and the significance of reform as it applies to affordable childcare. However well-intentioned, the imposition of strict licensing actually makes childcare harder for families by raising prices. She offers insight into how the increase in cost is not accompanied by a commensurate increase in quality or safety, and strict licensing requirements raise barriers to jobs for childcare workers.
Revisiting the Proposal for a Wealth Tax
Veronique de Rugy and Jack Salmon | Policy Brief
In their recent policy brief, Veronique de Rugy and Jack Salmon evaluate the proposal for a progressive wealth tax and the potential outcomes of such a policy if implemented in the United States. First, they assess the reliability of wealth distribution findings of Berkeley economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman by reviewing the available data and existing literature. Second, they calculate a range of estimates for how much revenue such a tax could feasibly raise in light of the calculations by Saez and Zucman. Lastly, they evaluate the experiences of countries that have previously implemented such tax policies and assess why several countries have abandoned wealth taxes in recent years and decades.