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New Research on Upzoning, the Current Economic Situation, and Aviation Safety
New Mercatus Research from March 2-6
Allowing Triplexes Would Lower Rent in Maryland
Salim Furth | State Testimony
When land becomes expensive, it’s a clue that we should each use a little less of it. But how does this work practically? Senior Research Fellow Salim Furth explores this through the idea of upzoning currently being considered in Maryland.
Upzoning allows for more types of housing that can suit more people — particularly those who struggle to buy or rent homes. In Maryland, such a policy can change the rules in favor of anyone who lives—or wants to live—within a mile of a metro, commuter, or light rail station. It would also impact residential lots in neighborhoods with large concentrations of jobs and neighborhoods with especially high incomes. In those locations, the bill would allow triplexes—buildings with homes for three families—on lots that currently allow only single-family homes. Furth explains how this physical change relates to zoning rules, how it affects tight communities, and most of all, whether it moves the needle on housing affordability in a positive direction.
The Economic Situation, March 2020
Bruce Yandle | Policy Brief
With three months of economic activity under America’s belt and with major uncertainty owing to the raging coronavirus, it’s time to examine 2020’s launch and consider the evolving economic situation. In doing so, it may be helpful to look back to this time in 2019 and recall how the economy was performing then. Bruce Yandle offers thoughts on the political economy and projections for our economic future, exploring topics like GDP growth, the trade situation, and spotlights on some states in particular.
Refine the FAA’s Remote ID Rules to Ensure Aviation Safety and Public Confidence
Brent Skorup and Michael Kotrous | Public Comment
Senior Research Fellow Brent Skorup and Program Manager Michael Kotrous recently gave a public comment in response to the FAA’s request for comment on its proposed rules regarding the remote identification of unmanned aircraft systems (UASs). The remote identification of UASs is critical to aviation safety and public confidence in drone integration. However, remote identification rules as proposed impose costs and burdens on manufacturers and operators that are not necessary to meet the FAA’s desired ends of safe UAS operations. Skorup and Kotrous expand on this as well as ubiquitous connectivity requirements and decentralized and federated UAS traffic management.