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Rushed Rules of Health Care Law Don't Add Up
On the eve of the health care law’s two-year anniversary, Mercatus Center economist Jerry Ellig says that the major regulations used to implement the law contain top-driven, low-quality regulatory analysis that reads more like an attempt to justify decisions rather than to inform them.
On the eve of the health care law’s two-year anniversary, Mercatus Center economist Jerry Ellig says that the major regulations used to implement the law contain top-driven, low-quality analysis that reads more like an attempt to justify decisions rather than to inform them.
“The federal government doesn’t really know how much these regulations are going to cost, doesn’t really know how many people are going to benefit, and doesn’t really know if it picked the most cost-effective options to expand Americans’ access to healthcare.”
“According to the Mercatus Center’s Regulatory Report Card criteria, the best analysis received the equivalent of an ‘F’ grade. The government fired before aiming and consequentially shot itself in the foot,” he said.
“The health care debacle is a perfect example of politics trumping governance,” said Ellig. “History has shown us that administrations cannot be relied on to put their best analytical foot forward when dealing with landmark regulatory priorities.” Ellig says that the process needs to be overhauled from the ground up, as he explains further in his op-ed from Roll Call.
The full Mercatus Center study can be found here.
Photo Credit: Neil Parekh/SEIU