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What We’re Reading: March 1, 2018
Here’s a quick round-up of some of the links shared by Mercatus Center scholars this week:
- Matthew Mitchell shared a Wall Street Journal editorial arguing against a potential tax carve out for some types of farms as a result of recent tax reform legislation.
- Michael Farren highlighted the quote "The institutions of science need to get better at rewarding failure instead of prizing publication above all else," from a Vox article on how a Cornell professor’s popular food-behavior studies have recently come under increased scrutiny.
- Veronique de Rugy pointed her Twitter followers to a Wall Street Journal editorial analyzing a plan to combine a federal paid leave policy with Social Security.
- Daniel Griswold shared portions of the Economic Report of the President, pointing out an internal inconsistency on China and tariffs.
- James Broughel commended Susan Dudley’s Forbes column for its “astute analysis” of the Office of Management and Budget’s report to Congress.
- Tyler Cowen wondered why NBA players might be friendlier to one another than in previous eras based on an ESPN report on the subject. Cowen also passed along the reading list of Dani Rodrik, Turkish economist and Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
- Scott Sumner pointed his readers to an “excellent new paper” on the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet.