The Mercatus Center at George Mason University hosted a webinar for a practical discussion on state regulatory reform with the Oklahoma Deputy Secretary of State and Deputy Chief of Staff for Arizona Governor Ducey and regulatory policy experts, to learn how to implement regulatory reforms in your state. The discussion centered on how to improve your economy, create opportunities for individuals, and reduce the overall regulatory burden.
Discussion topics included, but were not limited to: How to permanently eliminate regulations rolled back or suspended during COVID-19, removing barriers to economic growth. Learning about recent, real-world examples of regulatory reform from Oklahoma and Arizona, and how to replicate these efforts in your state. Steps state legislatures can take to improve their economies, reduce inequality, and address uncertainty in the wake of the pandemic by cutting regulations, streamlining and enhancing state agency regulatory transparency, and reforming business permit processes.
James Broughel, Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center
Matthew D. Mitchell, Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center
Gretchen Conger, Deputy Chief of Staff for Arizona Governor Doug Ducey
Jessica Cleveland, Oklahoma Deputy Secretary of State
Check out this conversation on the Mercatus Policy Download here.