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The Market Process
Essays in Contemporary Austrian Economics

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Published by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University in the Advanced Studies in Political Economy series.
The Market Process presents a series of important and innovative articles written by economists of the Austrian school. Covering the gamut of economic issues, including equilibrium theory, free banking, public choice, and the problems of contemporary social reform, the book is an ideal introduction to the diversity of contemporary Austrian economics and its innovative trajectory of research in the late 20th century.
Drawing upon essays published in the journal Market Process during the 1980s, this book reflects an extended dialogue over the value and limitations of Austrian economics. It makes available to a wider audience contributions by some of the leading figures in the field. At the cutting edge of interdisciplinary research, it incorporates the latest developments in areas overlooked by neoclassical economists, including process analysis, methodological subjectivism, and phenomenological hermeneutics.
This book should be of interest to all those who seek an alternative to formal, neoclassical economics, as well as other researchers in the social sciences who study exchange processes. In addition, it will be of general interest to Austrian and public choice economists as well as historians of economic thought.
“The scholarly publication [the journal] Market Process played the central role in the transformation of the market process school from a hesitant subset of traditional Austrian economics into a bold new research program. . . . The articles included here are among the best of contributions the Austrian school has ever made and deserve to be given a wider readership.”
—Don Lavoie
Introduction: The present status of Austrian economics: some (perhaps biased) institutional history behind the market process theory
Peter J. Boettke & David L. Prychitko
Part One: Equilibrium, Evolution and Market Process
Chapter 1: The market process: an Austrian view
Jack High
Chapter 2: The market process: an evolutionary view
Richard N. Langlois
Chapter 3: On The economics of time and ignorance
Israel M. Kirzner
Chapter 4: On The economics of time and ignorance
Ludwig M. Lachmann
Chapter 5: Schumpeter and Kirzner on competition and equilibrium
Don Boudreaux
Chapter 6: Beyond equilibrium economics: reflections on the uniqueness of the Austrian tradition
Peter J. Boettke, Steven Horwitz, & David L. Prychitko
Part Two: Cost and Choice
Chapter 7: Expectations and expectations formation in Mises's theory of the market process
Richard M. Ebeling
Chapter 8: Mind, historical time and the value of money: a tale of two methods
Matthew B. Kibbe
Chapter 9: A note on the cost controversy
Jack High
Chapter 10: The cost controversy: a reply to Professor High
Leland B. Yeager
Chapter 11: Economics, subjectivism, and public choice
Jack Wiseman
Chapter 12: Shackle and a lecture in Pittsburgh
James M. Buchanan
Chapter 13: Insight and the creative potential of the mind
G.L.S. Shackle
Part Three: Money and Banking
Chapter 14: The yield on money held revisited: lessons for today
George A. Selgin
Chapter 15: Prices, the price level, and macroeconomic coordination: Hutt on Keynesian economics
Steven Horwitz
Chapter 16: Misreading the "Myth": Rothbard on the theory and history of free banking
Steven Horwitz
Part Four: Current Methodological Questions
Chapter 17: Storytelling and the human sciences
Peter J. Boettke
Chapter 18: Splenatic rationalism: Hoppe's review of chapter 1 of The Rhetoric of Economics
Deirdre N. McCloskey
Chapter 19: Hermeneutical integrity: a guide for the perplexed
G.B. Madison
Part Five: Modern Political Economy and the Austrian School
Chapter 20: Recent developments in social choice theory
Tyler Cowen
Chapter 21: J.M. Buchanan and F.A. Hayek: the thought of two Nobel laureates
Viktor Vanberg
Chapter 22: Can democratic society reform itself? The limits of constructive change
Karen I. Vaughn
Chapter 23: Virginia political economy: a view from Vienna
Peter J. Boettke
Chapter 24: Socialism as Cartesian legacy: the radical element within F.A. Hayek's The Fatal Conceit
David L. Prychitko
Chapter 25: A political philosophy for the market process
Don Lavoie
Conclusion: The future of Austrian economics
Peter J. Boettke & David L. Prychitko