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Special Issue on the Work of James Buchanan
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Originally published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Last year, the Mercatus Center and the Fund for the Study of Spontaneous Order sponsored a conference to honor the contributions of James M. Buchanan to economics, political economy, and social philosophy. The papers from that conference have been published in a special edition of Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization dedicated to Professor James Buchanan.
Last year, the Mercatus Center and the Fund for the Study of Spontaneous Order sponsored a conference to honor the contributions of James M. Buchanan to economics, political economy, and social philosophy. The papers from that conference have been published in a special edition of Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization dedicated to Professor James Buchanan. The journal was edited by Peter Boettke and contributors include: Amartya Sen, Lin Ostrom, Tim Besley, Michael Munger, Stefan Voigt, Georg Vanberg, Hartmut Kliemt, Alain Marciano, Karen Horn, Steve Horwitz, Chris Coyne and Pete Leeson.
Find the journal at ScienceDirect.
View video of opening panel at Mercatus.org.