East Asian Optimism: A Review of "China Rising: Peace, Power, and Order in East Asia"

by David C. Kang

Peter Boettke reviews David Kang's China Rising: Peace, Power, and Order in East Asia and finds Kang exploring the role of China as a harbinger of cooperation and harmony in East Asia, in spite of its geopolitical power and its rapid emergence.

Peter Boettke reviews David Kang's China Rising: Peace, Power, and Order in East Asia and finds Kang exploring the role of China as a harbinger of cooperation and harmony in East Asia, in spite of its geopolitical power and its rapid emergence.

Read the article at Georgetown Journal of International Affairs.

Citation (Chicago Style): Boettke, Peter. "East Asian Optimism: A Review of China Rising: Peace, Power, and Order in East Asia by David C. Kang." Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 9, no. 2 (2008): 121-126.

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