Patrick McLaughlin
Former Senior Research FellowFormer Director of Policy Analytics
Dr. Patrick A. McLaughlin was the Director of Policy Analytics and a Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. His research focused primarily on regulations and the regulatory process.
Dr. McLaughlin created and leads the RegData and QuantGov projects, deploying machine learning and other tools of data science to quantify governance indicators found in federal and state regulations and other policy documents. The resulting database is freely available at, and has facilitated pioneering empirical research by numerous third-party users on the causes and effects of regulation.
Dr. McLaughlin has authored over thirty peer-reviewed studies in diverse areas, including regulatory economics, administrative law, industrial organization, and international trade. His book, The Impact of Federal Regulation on the Fifty States (with Oliver Sherouse), is available for download here.
Dr. McLaughlin has given expert testimonies before Congress and state legislatures on topics ranging from the economic implications of regulatory accumulation to the potential impacts of regulatory reform. His research and op-eds have been featured in a wide range of media outlets including The Economist, C-SPAN, WSJ, Politico, and The Hill.
Prior to joining Mercatus, Dr. McLaughlin served as a Senior Economist at the Federal Railroad Administration in the United States Department of Transportation and as a Visiting Scholar at the Regulatory Studies Center at George Washington University. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Clemson University.
Latest Work
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Connecticut’s Regulatory Landscape
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Colorado’s Regulatory Landscape
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Delaware’s Regulatory Landscape
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Illinois’ Regulatory Landscape
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Florida’s Regulatory Landscape
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Georgia’s Regulatory Landscape
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Hawaii’s Regulatory Landscape
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Massachusetts’ Regulatory Landscape
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Louisiana’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Michigan’s Regulatory Landscape
Latest Work
- | Feature Feature
Connecticut’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Colorado’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Delaware’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Illinois’ Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Florida’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Georgia’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Hawaii’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Massachusetts’ Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Louisiana’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Michigan’s Regulatory Landscape
Latest Work
- | Regulation Regulation
- | Policy Briefs Policy Briefs
POLICY SPOTLIGHT: Improving the Regulatory Process through Regulatory Budgeting
- | Regulation Regulation
- | Working Papers Working Papers
Industry Size and Regulation: Evidence from US States
- | Regulation Regulation
- | Working Papers Working Papers
Regulation and Economic Growth
- | Regulation Regulation
- | Journal Articles Journal Articles
Larger Polities Are More Regulated
- | Regulation Regulation
- | Working Papers Working Papers
Regulation, Entrepreneurship, and Dynamism
- | Regulation Regulation
- | Policy Briefs Policy Briefs
A Policymaker’s Guide to State RegData 2.0
- | Regulation Regulation
- | Working Papers Working Papers
Regulation, Entrepreneurship, and Dynamism
- | Regulation Regulation
- | Working Papers Working Papers
Larger Polities Are More Regulated
- | Regulation Regulation
- | Data Visualizations Data Visualizations
Quantifying Regulation in US States with State RegData 2.0
- | Regulation Regulation
- | Working Papers Working Papers
Is Dodd-Frank the Biggest Law Ever?
Latest Work
- | Feature Feature
Mississippi’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Minnesota’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Louisiana’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Michigan’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Missouri’s Regulatory Landscape
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Maryland’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Montana’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
Maine’s Regulatory Landscape
- | Feature Feature
North Carolina’s Regulatory Landscape
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