Conserving Communities

While many countries in Africa, such as Kenya, struggle with declining wildlife populations, Namibia’s wildlife numbers are on the rise thanks to an innovative program called Community Based Natural

While many countries in Africa, such as Kenya, struggle with declining wildlife populations, Namibia’s wildlife numbers are on the rise thanks to an innovative program called Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM). Unlike many other African nations where government ministries control environmental protection, under CBNRM, Namibia puts local people in charge of managing wildlife. Because these local people benefit directly from the natural resources on their land, they view flora and fauna as valuable assets worth protecting. Thus, CBNRM offers a unique and innovative path to economic development while also promoting natural resource conservation.


Citation (Chicago-Style)

Boudreaux, Karol and Daniel Sacks. "Conserving Communities." Mercatus on Policy, Arlington, VA: Mercatus Center at George Mason University, 2008.

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