Mercatus Scholars
62 results
Angel Adams Parham
Visiting Fellow Pluralism and Civil Exchange

Asma Uddin
Visiting Fellow Pluralism and Civil Exchange

Omar Al-Ubaydli
Senior Affiliated Scholar

Scott Baier
Senior Affiliated Scholar

James Bailey
Senior Affiliated Scholar

Ashley Berner
Visiting Fellow

Carola Binder
Senior Affiliated Scholar

Darcy N. Bryan
Senior Affiliated Scholar

Isabella Burton
Visiting Fellow Pluralism and Civil Exchange

Bruce Caldwell
Director, Center for the History of Political Economy

Dustin Chambers
Senior Affiliated Scholar

Emily Chamlee-Wright
Senior Affiliated Scholar

Anthony DiGiorgio
Senior Affiliated Scholar

Kevin Erdmann
Senior Affiliated Scholar

Abigail R. Hall
Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Tampa

Lauren Hall
Visiting Fellow Pluralism and Civil Exchange

Jon Hartley
Affiliated Scholar

Joshua R. Hendrickson
Senior Affiliated Scholar

Catherine Herfeld
Assistant Professor of Social Theory & Philosophy of the Social Sciences, University of Zurich

Robert L. Hetzel
Senior Affiliated Scholar