- | Academic & Student Programs Academic & Student Programs
- | Housing Housing
- | Research Papers Research Papers
There's Nothing Natural about the State of Government Spending in Arkansas
- | Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition | 2017 Edition Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition | 2017 Edition
- | Policy Briefs Policy Briefs
#20 | Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition: Arkansas
- | 2016 Edition: Healthcare Openness and Access Project 2016 Edition: Healthcare Openness and Access Project
- | Healthcare Healthcare
- | Research Papers Research Papers
46 | Arkansas
Arkansas ranks near the bottom in the HOAP Index with a score of 2.79.
- | Corporate Welfare Corporate Welfare
- | Data Visualizations Data Visualizations
40 Years of Certificate-of-Need Laws Across America
- | Financial Markets Financial Markets
- | Federal Testimonies Federal Testimonies
Preserving and Expanding Consumer Access to Credit Products along the Nonbank-Supplied Small-Dollar Loan Landscape
Testimony before the House Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit
- | Corporate Welfare Corporate Welfare
- | Policy Briefs Policy Briefs
Certificate-of-Need Laws: Implications for Arkansas
- | Government Spending Government Spending
- | Data Visualizations Data Visualizations
Ex-Im Funds Flow to Few States, but All Bear the Risks
- | Academic & Student Programs Academic & Student Programs
- | Corporate Welfare Corporate Welfare
- | Working Papers Working Papers
A Survey of Sales Tax Exemptions in the States: Understanding Sales Taxes and Sales Tax Exemptions
- | Government Spending Government Spending
- | Data Visualizations Data Visualizations
Government-Financed Employment and the Real Private Sector in the 50 States
- | Technology and Innovation Technology and Innovation
- | Policy Briefs Policy Briefs