- | State Fiscal Rankings | 2018 Edition State Fiscal Rankings | 2018 Edition
- | Research Papers Research Papers
#46 | Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition: Kentucky

- | 2018 Edition: Healthcare Openness and Access Project 2018 Edition: Healthcare Openness and Access Project
- | Healthcare Healthcare
- | Research Papers Research Papers
46 | Kentucky
Score: 2.85 (US mean: 3.20, median: 3.17), Rank: 46
- | Academic & Student Programs Academic & Student Programs
- | Healthcare Healthcare
- | Research Papers Research Papers
2018 Edition: Healthcare Openness and Access Project
Mapping the Frontier for the Next Generation of American Healthcare, June 2018 Update

- | International Freedom and Trade International Freedom and Trade
- | Radio Appearance Radio Appearance
Daniel Griswold on WVLK's "Kruser and Krew" (Kentucky)
- | Academic & Student Programs Academic & Student Programs
- | Housing Housing
- | Data Visualizations Data Visualizations
A Paternalism Ranking of the States
- | Books Books
For Your Own Good
Taxes, Paternalism, and Fiscal Discrimination in the Twenty-First Century

- | Regulation Regulation
- | Research Papers Research Papers
Federal Regulation and State Enterprise Index, 2017
- | Corporate Welfare Corporate Welfare
- | Policy Briefs Policy Briefs
Certificate-Of-Need Laws 2017: How CON Laws Affect Spending, Access, and Quality across the States
- | Certificate-Of-Need Laws 2017: How CON Laws Affect Spending, Access, and Quality across the States Certificate-Of-Need Laws 2017: How CON Laws Affect Spending, Access, and Quality across the States
- | Policy Briefs Policy Briefs
Certificate-of-Need Laws: Kentucky
- | Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition | 2017 Edition Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition | 2017 Edition
- | Policy Briefs Policy Briefs