Current Fellows
235 results
Chase Redd
MA Student, University of Maryland, College Park

Reja Regmi
PhD Student, Howard University

David Richter
EngScD Student, Columbia University in the City of New York

Kayne Rivers
PhD Student, York University

Sydney Robson
MA and JD Student, American University

Sawyer Rogers
PhD Student, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Timothy Rosenberger
PhD Student, The Ohio State University

Molly Rovinski
PhD Fellow

Yehzee Ryoo
PhD Student, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Sachindra Sahu
MPA Student, Harvard University

Clemente Sánchez Barja
PhD Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Carlos Sandoval Machado
PhD Student, West Virginia University

Sarah Sculco
PhD/JD Student, University of Michigan

Gugu Selela
PhD Student, Clemson University

Cassandra Shand
DPhil Student, University of Cambridge

Pradyot Sharma
PhD Fellow

Daniel Sheehan
DrPH Student, Tulane University

Hanna Shin
PhD Student, The University of Texas at Dallas

Lilian Sibanda
PhD Student, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Robert Skinner
PhD Student, Vanderbilt University