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Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa
Dambisa Moyo’s new book, Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa, has received a great deal of attention in the last few months. Moyo’s book is a must-read for any
Dambisa Moyo's new book, Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa, has received a great deal of attention in the last few months. Her first two points, international aid has not only been ineffective but it has also added to the dysfunctionality of many countries, adds to a long literature in the subject matter. However, her third point, that a world without aid would produce better economic growth, makes a new contribution and warrants further consideration. This concern notwithstanding, Moyo's book is a must-read for any person interested in the question of why some countries are rich while others remain stagnant or poor.
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Citation (Chicago Style)
Van der Walt, Johan, "Book Review of Dead Aid," Review of Austrian Economics Vol. 22, no. 4, 2009.
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