'I'Se a Man'

Political Awakening and the 1942 Riot in the Bahamas

Originally published in The Journal of Caribbean History

This article is an effort to retell the story of the 1942 riot in the Bahamas. Although the riot was triggered by a labour dispute, it was the first sign of political awakening in the colony's Black community. It was the first in a series of tremors along the fault line that divided the rich White from the poorer Black Bahamians, and was arguably the start of a political movement that eventually led to majority rule and independence.

This article is an effort to retell the story of the 1942 riot in the Bahamas. Although the riot was triggered by a labour dispute, it was the first sign of political awakening in the colony's Black community. It was the first in a series of tremors along the fault line that divided the rich White from the poorer Black Bahamians, and was arguably the start of a political movement that eventually led to majority rule and independence.

Read the article at SSRN.

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