Senior Fellow, F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics & Economics

Mikayla Novak is senior fellow with the F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. She is the author of Inequality: An Entangled Political Economy Perspective (2018) and Freedom in Contention: Social Movements and Liberal Political Economy (2021). Her research work has been published in a range of academic journals, including Research Policy, Constitutional Political Economy, Review of Austrian Economics, Journal of Institutional Economics, and Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice. Mikayla’s research interests include Austrian and evolutionary economics, public choice, entangled political economy, economic sociology, public finance, and regulatory economics.

Mikayla holds a PhD in Economics from RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia), and a Bachelor of Economics (Honours) from The University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia). Prior to joining Mercatus, Mikayla worked in academic and public policy roles, including in the Australian Treasury and Australian Productivity Commission, as well as the Institute of Public Affairs think-tank. She has contributed prolifically to public policy debates, with well over 200 opinion editorials on topics as diverse as budgetary and tax policy, public sector administration, welfare, and social policy.

Mikayla Novak is a contributing editorial board member of the Cosmos + Taxis journal, has edited several special issues of academic journals, and is Associate Executive Director of the Entangled Political Economy Research Network (EPERN), an international network of researchers with interest in advancing studies in entangled political economy.

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